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[ar:love psychedelico]
[al:this is love]
love psychedelico - neverland
作词:love psychedelico
作曲:love psychedelico
so long my memories
all beneath my love
siren then silence
far, i hear the voice
so calm. i'm going down
gently inside
daydream of the neverland
far, i close my eyes
so slow. i'm going down
deep inside
wish of the darkness
silently falling
into the light
the way from the darkness
to neverland
so long my memories
all behind my words
shadows of the silence
hide my time away
slow down, calling my heart
moving inside
wish of the darkness
silently falling
into the light
the way from the darkness
to neverland
hold on ....
daydream of shadow and light ...
so long all my memories gone
daydream of shadow and light
so long my memories
all beneach my love
siren then silence
far, i heared the voice
so calm, i'm going down
gently inside
wish of the darkness
silently falling
wish of the darkness
into the light
the way from the darkness
to neverland
do my best 把梦里实现
do my best 当成信念
far away 不会累
find the way
made by 鱼ぁ鱼
i will never be afraid
do my best 把梦里实现
do my best 当成信念
i will never be afraid
do my best 当成信念

2,Abstract - Neverland (Prod. By Blulake)歌词翻译 中英对照

[Intro: Ruth B]
There was a time when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away, too
Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely."
And ever since that day...
[Chorus: Abstract & Ruth B]
Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely. [x3]
And ever since that day...
[Verse 1: Abstract]
In these fast times, chasing life lines for a life time
I've had my heart in the right place at the wrong time
With the right girl in another world
Maybe we would be together still
If you hear this and resent that
I don't give a shit I'll let it spill
I don't give a damn I'll keep it real
Cause by now I hope you know the drill
I would never lie, young forever
I ain't ever gonna die, told me grow up but I went and showed 'em why
I could make it I
Showed 'em the power in youth
Power in truth
The younger you stay the closer you are to your roots, that's the reason I do
I can teach how to hit the skies
Rise above 'em without getting high
But if it help a bit, take a lil' hit, take a lil' sip, put your mind at ease
Swear you got the keys, you can have your dreams, that's up to you not what others believe
I swear that's the part that took longest for me
Cause when I drop into a beat
I detach from the world view it under my feet
Orbit around with my dreams and there I perceive my reality and what it means
Music is where I can breathe, a world in between
What I am, what I was, what i will be
It's the only place that I feel free, hope you feel me
[Pre-Chorus: Ruth B]
I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me
Away from all of reality
And He said
[Chorus: Ruth B]
Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely. [x3]
And ever since that day...
[Verse 2: Abstract]
You ain't ever gotta be alone
I found company inside a song
Take it off your chest throw it in a poem
If they try to flex show 'em where you going
Hating on your past, kill 'em with your moment
When you get the chance drive it like you stole it
She said I don't want to grow up
I gotta go keep my passions alive
Please say you've heard of a place I can fly
Where nothing's impossible, that's where I gotta go
They said the only way up was to get in line
I'm tellin you that somebody lied
As someone who's been to the otherside
Blurring the lines between earth and mind
She's a lost girl in a lost world but I know what she's tryna find
Some call it music
I call it never land
Where we can take flight and don't have to ever land
You can stay young forever if you follow your heart
Know a 9-5 tear the soul apart
Keep it safe you can keep your soul in art
We can't live a lie, we would rather die, if I don't live for this I am not alive
I don't deserve the breathe, I don't deserve the steps, don't deserve the criticism or compliments
This is who I am, this is what I do
Outside of never land I don't have a clue
They call us lost but this is the place where I was found
Take my hand Wendy we're home now
[Pre-Chorus: Ruth B]
I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me
Away from all of reality
[Chorus: Abstract & Ruth B]
Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely. [x3]
And ever since that day...
[Outro: Ruth B]
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free [x2]

3,NEVER LAND到底什么意思呀

Never Land的隐喻意思就永远的童年,不朽以及避世。 NEVER LAND也同样被翻译成梦幻岛和虚无岛以及乌有乡。neverland是英国作家詹姆斯·巴里(J.M.Barrle)的小说《彼得·潘》里的主人公彼得·潘长住的一个远离英国本土的海岛,在1940上海新月书店出版的梁实秋翻译的译本中,将neverland译作永无乡,后来三联书店的新译本中也沿用了这个译法。小飞侠彼得潘里那个虚幻的梦境世界,在这里人们永远长不大。扩展资料:Michael Jackson 的梦幻庄园 1988年由流行天王——巨星Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)花巨资买下,占地2800英亩,是美国最奢侈的豪宅之一。他根据《小飞侠彼得潘》中令人神往的小岛NEVERLAND(译作梦幻岛或乌有乡)命名。迈克尔杰克逊在庄园里添加了价值3,500万美元的设施,在这里,私人运动场、游乐场、人工湖、电影院和动物园一应俱全,并摆上了《小飞侠彼得潘》中角色的雕像。庄园内还设有凉亭、小火车、华丽的街灯、草坪、花床、树屋和一个印第安式的村庄。动物园里有大象、长颈鹿和老虎等动物;游乐场里有摩天轮、旋转木马、碰碰车等设施。有足够举办一个州级嘉年华使用的游乐设备。一个卡丁车道,两条独立的列车轨道──其中一条轨道的大小足以在上面跑一列老式蒸汽火车。


6,是5与7之间的自然数。 含义:顺其自然,顺利成章,一切皆顺之意。 6的性格特点:「代表忠实、可靠」-逆向思维的睿智者 数字6在很多时候是有吉祥的意义,如谐音数字“66大顺”,168代表“一路发”,在广东省可以看到很多车主喜欢带有6和8 数字的车牌,或许正是想通过6字带来好意头,寓意一路顺风,一路平安的意思,作为司机和车主,当然希望自己的一种顺风,一路平安。所以在很多人印象中,数字6是个吉祥数字。深受大家的喜爱,可能喜爱程度仅次于8吧。 【6的基本元素】 中文:六 大写:陆 拼音:liu 英文:six 【6的意义】(注:想发表6对于你的意义?请在下面评论框发布) 生活中我也很喜欢数字6,正是因为它代表的是顺的意思,寓意凡事都顺当,所以我的生活中的很多数字也都有6的存在,如手机号码有数字6的存在,QQ 号码也有数字6存在。 小孩时期的我也喜欢6字,因为凡是到6.1号,就可以放假去玩了,是儿童最快乐的日子。 【6的应用】 6数:五行属金,金性坚刚。其卦为天,天在上,为高为大为尊,除它之外,其余一众皆小。 总象:坚刚硬朗,自视甚高,为人固执,不懂妥协,常自以为是,喜发号司令。用6的人,不论男女,言行表现都不会温柔,都会倾向坚刚硬朗,总会与上述特性有 关。有人会表现为心高性傲,心中无人;有人会表现为固执己见,刚愎自用;有人则会凡事示人以强,形象硬朗,喜发号司令。女用者尤不可能会表现出温柔。总之 就有上述现象。


人与社会环境的维系力,是同信誉度成正比的。仓颉当年在创造方块字时,已经考虑信誉问题,并在构字造型上埋下深深的玄机。 “信”字由人、言两字构成,一个人说话如果像猫叫狗吠一样叫过不算数,就没有信用,故人言立信,一诺千金,说到做到是取信的重要原则。中国会计奠基人潘叙伦先生在上海创办《立信会计学校》时也创立了立信守则:“以信立身,以信立世,以信处事,以信待人。”古人云:“国无信不立,人而无信则不知其可”。平民百姓也懂得“听其言而观其行”。就是说从对方的实际行动来验证其说话和承诺的可信度。古人对“信”字侧重其道德内涵,现在是商业社会,写在契约合同上的“人言”受到法律约束,真是一言既出,驷马难追。 “诚”字是由”言”和“成”两字构成,核心意义是言而有成,不说空话,说到什么份上就做到什么份上。诚和信虽是亲如兄弟,但性格不一样,一言立信一大丈夫说话一句项一句用,具有信誓旦旦的刚烈性,而“诚”字比较和顺,具有较浓的道德色彩,如《后汉书·马援传》曰:“开心见诚。无所隐伏。”带有光明磊落、坦诚恳切的意味,仔细想想,叫真起来,仅靠诚惶诚恐做个谦谦君子,于人、于己、于事都解决不了问题,只有说出来办得到,才能建立信誉。 人类能够取得地球上万类生灵的领袖人位,就是因为能思想,能说话。“说”是言字旁家族重要成员,但它却是一个中性字,人人可以说话表达与交流,皇帝可说,百姓也可说,但仓颉先生“言”字旁边加上一个“兑”字,这“说”字就严肃起来,因为你“言”出来要“兑”现的,不能瞎说、乱说、胡说。明代吕坤在《呻吟语》中说:“君子之出言也,如啬夫之用财”。就是说,做人说话要像小气鬼花钱一样,得掂量掂量,办得到办不到,不要乱承诺。孔子曰:“口惠而实不至。怨灾及其身。是故君子有诺言也,宁有己怨”。就是说,你说得虽好听,但做得不好看,就失信于人。所以不能办到的事要学会拒绝,让别人怨恨去好了。总之,说到做到,办事牢靠,是为人立信之本。

6,f.i.r 的neverland 歌词

歌曲名称: NeverLand
歌手姓名: 飞儿乐团
专辑名称: 无限
开始有一种 冒险的感觉
翻开了地图 最远那一边
找寻着梦里的 neverland
那食指朝着 深蓝的海面
阵阵的微风 吹的那么美
我看到梦里的 neverland
我坚持不退 跟海风并肩
I will never be afraid
(Do my best 把梦实现
Do my best 当成信念
拼着地图 我能找到
心中那座 美丽乐园
Far away 不会累 Find the way)

7,Finding Neverland 歌词

歌曲名:Finding Neverland歌手:许哲佩专辑:许愿盒许哲佩 - Finding Nverland有些事情不必解释得太过清楚偶尔模糊不算犯多大的错误我只相信眼睛看到的时间什么错与对 和我没有关联恐惧占领我的思绪脑袋没有氧气是谁将我的城堡粉碎剩下灰烬怎么耳朵听见天使的声音可我听不见自己的呼吸Happy Nverland带我飞往世界的角落紧握住手中的梦别让那阵风吹走Where is Nverland传说中守护梦的乐园我乘着白色翅膀飞多远没有悲伤没有眼泪我还学着飞寻找远方美要共同指引我梦在眼前会是谁

上一篇:趁早 歌词

下一篇:张伟进 歌曲,猴哥,歌词