1,英语作文 要求介绍一个你设计电视节目
1、the programme i like best recently is Woju(蜗居) which is very hot in the last few months.I don't watch it on TV,instead I have been watching it on the internet.beacuse of the reason ,i can watch it whenever i am free and it's very convenient.why i like the programme,because i feel it is very true and reflect the reality,which make me better understand the real world .from that i know my parents are so tough that i must treat them better and study hard.
2、My favorite TV progam is "The World Today", which is shown on Saturday evenings.
This program is like a wonderful window, through which I can see the beautiful and exciting world. It provides me with the latest development in affairs of the world. It also gives me a vivid picture of what have been going on and what have happened in the world. From the Gulf War to the civil war in Yugoslavia, from the peace talks in the Middle East to the military maneuvers in America, you nearly can be an expert in international affairs with the information offered in this prograin.
I like this program not only because of its abundant and latest news, but also its analysis of our present world and prospects for the future. From it, I learn more about mankind itself. It gives me intelligence.
3、My Favorite TV Program
My favorite TV program is "Animal World". We can watch the program every Sunday evening. The program tells us the story of animal life. We can learn the animals' habits and their natural surroundings.
In the Shanghai Zoo, there are also many animals. But in the program we can see more animals. It gives me a chance to learn about the other creatures. Animals are our friends. It is wrong to kill them for food. We must do our best to protect them. I hope I can do something for the wild animals.
2,浮图缘演员表 浮图缘哪些演员出演
主演: 王鹤棣 / 陈钰琪 / 何润东 / 曾黎 / 鹤男 / 王栎鑫 / 关畅 / 韩浩天 / 程梓《浮图缘》百度网盘高清资源在线观看:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JQutucdI9kom6o3QF7pHmQ?pwd=1234 提取码:1234 该剧发生在大邺封建王朝,男主肖铎为弟复仇以假身份入宫,其忍辱负重不断攀权,至昭定司掌印而权倾朝野,只为探寻杀亲真凶。女主步音楼虽生在太傅之家,却被迫入宫成为小才人。某日险过殉葬朝天女一关,因而遇见肖铎,从此陷入一段浮图劫中。身份存在巨大差异的两人,各有各的身不由己,却在波谲云诡的宫内外风云际遇中,相知相助,结成同心。貌似心狠手辣的肖铎、假意埋藏真心的步音楼,都因爱而得到救赎。为执子之手,他们勇敢地反抗命运和封建礼教,经重重艰辛,历生死难关,终挣脱封建世俗的桎梏,赢得自由。
电视剧《浮图缘》演员表如下:1、王鹤棣(饰 肖铎)王鹤棣,中国内地青年男演员,1998年12月20日出生于四川乐山。2017年,参加优酷综艺《超次元偶像》正式踏入演艺圈;2018年,主演新版《流星花园》,饰演道明寺;2020年,主演古装玄幻剧《将夜2》,饰演宁缺。2、陈钰琪(饰 步音楼)陈钰琪,中国内地女演员,出生于四川成都,毕业于四川大学表演系。其外表清新亮丽、眼眸清澈灵动。2015年,拍摄《大话西游3》时与唐嫣相识,后正式签约成为自唐嫣工作室成立以来签约的首批演员。2016年,出演古装传奇剧《锦绣未央》,饰演娇俏可爱的九公主拓跋迪;同年9月,出演悬疑武侠数字电影《侠捕》。3、何润东(饰 慕容高巩)何润东(1975年9月13日出生),父母为香港人,美国出生,台湾成长,曾以第三名的成绩考入安大略省美术学院,大二暑假机缘巧合踏足演艺圈,因电视剧《玉观音》中的毛杰一角为内地观众所熟知,集模特、演员、歌手、制作人、多重身份于一身,曾获最受欢迎男演员、最具影响力男演员、最佳跨界飞跃艺人等多个奖项。4、曾黎(饰 荣安皇后)曾黎,中国内地女演员,中央戏剧学院表演系96级本科毕业,与章子怡、梅婷、袁泉、秦海璐、胡静、张彤、李敏并称中戏“八大金钗”,中戏毕业后进入全总文工团,先后在《烟雨红颜》、《东西奇遇结良缘》、《江山为重》、《男才女貌》、《归途如虹》、《死亡日记》、《理发师》、《神舟》等多部影视剧中出演重要角色。5、鹤男(饰 彤云)鹤男,中国内地女演员。2018年主演奇妙都市爱情剧《当她恋爱时》,饰演唐铭瑄。2018年主演古装奇幻爱情喜剧《傀儡姬》,饰演偃师师。6、王栎鑫(饰 曹春盎)王栎鑫,1989年1月18日出生于湖南常德。2007年“快乐男声”第七名,2008年发布他的首张EP《天生一对》。