1,谁能给介绍下徐水源的枫叶 和说下徐水源的简介
徐水源的朱泥枫叶杯为其最具有代表性之一的创作,以真正的叶子拓印至茶杯的杯面上。经由养藏越久,就会将叶脉的纹路及毛细孔一一的呈现于杯面上更展现出叶子的美貌。枫叶壶的制作工艺亦是如此,巧用各式各样独有风味的造型及兼具实用的精心创作每一把枫叶壶。徐水源的简介1、1971年生於桃园八德,1987年桃园县美展入选中坜美术馆陶艺双人展,1987年台北县美展入选台北市美展入选毕业於新兴工商美工科桃园文化中心 水墨、书法、陶艺三人展,1990年全省美展入选 台北县美展优选。2、1995-1998年第十四,十五,十七届 桃源美展邀请展出,1996桃园县美术教育学会会员第一届金莺奖入选 自设“话壶访”从事专业茶壶之研究与创作,桃园文化中心及中坜美术馆.陶壶个人创作展1998年第十六届桃源美展第三名第十八届桃源美展入选。3、2000年“水源与陶壶”茶壶个展 展出於桃园文化中心,杯底拓印一枚枫叶,栩栩如生,寓意高洁、思念、友情。南唐李煜有:山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹,意境深远,意味无穷,以枫叶杯品茗思友,则别有一番思绪在心头。4、枫叶不仅至秋呈红色,有“霜叶红于二月花”的美丽景色,象征“鸿运”,而且为“枫”与“封”同音,故有“受封”的意思。
Believe it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in celebrating foreign festivals on the Chinese campus. According to an official report/survey, young people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in such festivals as Valentine’s Day, April Fools’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To get a better sense of the boom, it is necessary for us to find out its causes.
A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern. In the first place, it is the product of students’ seeking after individuality and novelty, for which the college campus offers an ideal climate. In the second, it is seen, among the students, as an ideal way of freeing themselves from stress for the time being, since most college students, single child of each family, are subjected to the unprecedented pressures from all sides although they enjoy the abundance of material wealth. And above all, it is an inevitable result of more and more exchanges between Western and Eastern cultures. While the Chinese watch their children thirst for the joy derived from foreign festivals, in fact, the Americans are discussing whether or not to list the Chinese Spring Festival among their official holidays.
The effects of this change on our college life are positive. On the one hand, it has created more chances for students to gain a better insight into other cultures. On the other, it has enriched the college life, thus making the campus a more pleasant place to live on. With more and more health and color added to the trend, I firmly believe, it will certainly bring more benefits to our campus life in the time to come.