derived from,Derive from 与be derived from 有什么区别?意思

时间:2024-01-13 01:36:46编辑:生活君

1,Derive from 与be derived from 有什么区别?意思以及用法上

Derive from 与be derived from 的区别s是:Derive from:不及物动词,意思是“来自”、“从......衍生出来”be derived from:及物动词被动式或者 be+形容词 描述状态。意思是“出自/推导自/派生自/得自......”derive from 这个词组的意识为“源于”,是因为derive这个词的意思为“得到”。derive 为及物动词,相当于“get”.所以当 derive的宾语变为被动语态的主语时,当句子的谓语动词为“derive from”转换为“be derived from”。拓展资料Derive from1、The cause of the difference may derive from different accounting standards used. 导致账目出现差异的原因可能是采用了不同的会计准则。2、Differences between languages derive from the different modes of thinking as thinking is the basis of language. 思维是语言的基础和前提,思维差异的存在直接导致了不同民族语言差异的形成。3、This paper gives a short cut method to derive from molecular speed distribution function in the molecular ray. 给出了导得分子射线中分子速率分布函数的一种简捷方法。be derived from1、Three values of nonparallel boundary stress components can be derived from considerations of equilibrium of the plate. 非平行的边界的应力分量的三个值可以从板的平衡考虑来导得。2、All other quantities in physics can be derived from these fundamental quantities. 由这三个基本量,你可以导出,其他所有的物理量。3、The job that can be added to the queue must be derived from this class. 的,可以添加到队列中,必须从这个类派生工作。

2,derive from什么意思

derive from 英[d??ra?v fr?m] 美[d??ra?v fr?m] [词典] 由…起源; derive 英[d??ra?v] 美[d??ra?v] v. 获得; 取得; 得到; (使) 起源; (使) 产生; [例句]The cause of the difference may derive from different accounting standards used.导致账目出现差异的原因可能是采用了不同的会计准则。扩展资料:derive from 的用法 1、derive from sth be derived from sth从…衍生出;起源于;来自 to come or develop from sthThe word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city’.politics一词源自希腊语,意思是city。 2、derive sth from sth1)(formal) (从…中)得到,获得to get sth from sthHe derived great pleasure from painting.他从绘画中得到极大的乐趣。2)(technical 术语) (从…中)提取to obtain a substance from sthThe new drug is derived from fish oil.这种新药是从鱼油中提炼出来的。




这问题问的……你一定是没有学过考研英语!作为考研党!可以很明确的告诉你,一样的话,在不同的语境中,意思可以达到完全相反的境界……(作为考研党最苦的就是这个了,一摸一样的词语不一样的题就会有不一样的选项,想死记硬背都没有办法)现在软件做的确实越来越强大,机器人技术也越来越强大,那我问你机器人这么强大,还需要人类吗?(说个题外话,突然想到了霍金说的不要研究机器人……有兴趣的同学可以去百度搜一下!)一样的道理,既然人可以做出这种APP,就一定有比这个APP更加全面的地方!换个角度说,为什么有英语这个专业,还不是因为市场有需要,而且从就业前景来看,小语种更是吃香!那既然有这个翻译软件,为什么还要开设这个专业?难道是想“浪费人力资源”?你想一下!有一天你出国去玩!想买个吃的,不懂怎么说,然后打开你的手机中的app输入中文,然后转换出了英语。这时候!你又不知道这个怎么读,然后点发音!ok!这一套过程下来都没有问题!然后你把这段话念给了老板,这时候老板反问你“Do you want spicy food?”。你瞬间蒙逼了……然后用把手机拿出来,想进行语音识别,对着老板的嘴说,“老板,麻烦您再说一次”(前提还是会说这一句,不会说还得再次重复第一步!)你想想这个过程……不说浪费时间了,就怕老板以为你在逗他玩……所以你说学习英语重要不重要!

5,derived for 和derived from的区别

for:为...;derive(d) for的意思是,为了谁而得出,这里的“谁”可以是人,也可以是物;
from:从...;derive(d) from的意思是,从哪里得出,可以从事物中得出,也可以从人身上得出
Bounds are derived for the probabilities related to sojourn times of this process.
Amy strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.

6,be derived from是什么意思

be derived from
源自于; 来源于
There is no immediate advantage to be derived from supplementation except perhaps to ensure an adequate intake of magnesium.
But the automaker also contends the potential for the technology is enormous, because hydrogen, which doesn 't occur naturally, can be derived from fossil fuels like methane.

