
时间:2024-01-09 05:17:47编辑:生活君


adj.否定的;消极的;负面的;负的n.否定;反面意见;底片;[数]负数vt.否定一、读音:英['neɡ?t?v],美['neɡ?t?v]二、例句:You can't learn anything with negative attitude.你用消极的态度什么也学不到。三、词汇用法:reply in the negative表示“给予否定答复”,但是不如deny(否认),refuse(拒绝)和decline(婉谢)等词的用法普遍。扩展资料:近义词:opposing一、翻译:adj.反作用的;反向的;相反的;对立的二、读音:英[?'p??z??],美[?'po?z??]三、例句:At our planning meeting we heard two opposing opinions.在我们的计划会议上,我们听到两种相反的意见。


要查单词上DICT.CNnegative: [ 'neg?tiv ] a. 否定的,负的,消极的n. 底片,负数 例句与用法: 1. I have a negative opinion on the value of this idea. 我对这个主意持反对意见。 2. Altering the meaning of a term from positive to negative. 表否定的将一个词的意义由肯定变为否定的 3. Relating to or designating a quantity, number, angle, or direction opposite to another designated as negative. 正向的关于或表明与另一个表示为负的相反的数量、数字、角度或方向的 4. Having the areas of light and dark in their original and normal relationship, as in a photographic print made from a negative. 正片的使明暗区处于它们原本及正常的关系中的,如位于从底片印出的相片上 5. Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative. (对某事的)详尽的报道。 6. A cold is both positive and negative; sometimes the Eyes have it and sometimes the Nose. 感冒既是肯定又是否定:有时得之眼[得了感冒的占多数,这是“流感”],有时则得之于鼻[未得感冒的占多数]。


negative 英[?neg?t?v] 美[?n?ɡ?t?v] adj. 消极的,否认的; [数] 负的; [心] 反抗性的; 无预期结果的; n. 否定词语; 否定的观点; 消极性; [摄] 底片; vt. 否定; 拒绝; [例句]The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative来自海外的消息特别不容乐观。[其他] 第三人称单数:negatives 复数:negatives 现在分词:negativing过去式:negatived 过去分词:negatived


positive-negative词义:1、名词:正-负,阳-阴。固定搭配:1、positive-negative method 正负法。2、positive-negative questions 正反问。3、positive-negative intrinsic 光电二极管。用法:Optimization of Positive-Negative Phase Objects in 4/ Coherent Imaging System for Nonlinear Refraction Index Measurements.测量三阶非线性折射率的4f相位相干成像技术中正负相位物体的优化。扩展资料:positive-negative意思相近的单词有plus-minus。plus-minus词义:1、名词:正负,增减。固定搭配:1、plus-minus sign 正负号。2、plus-minusjudgment 正负判定。3、Plus-Minus One 上下一心。用法:Clicking the plus-minus [+/-] icon expands or collapses the module. 单击加减 [+/-] 图标来扩展或回缩此模块。

I'm not negative 中文意思是什么姐姐


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